NOTICE: Our waiver:

Resort Course

With our “resort course” you can experience the freedom of diving in just three hours! If you are 10 years of age or older, you can enjoy the magic of underwater scuba up to 40 feet deep. Our professional instructors will teach you all the skills you need to know in a fun, short course. We offer our “resort course”  from the shore, directly behind The Lobster Pot Dive Center (pending availability).

Off The Wall Divers 28 foot Parker

Under our close supervision, you can discover a world totally new to you. After your “resort dive”, you can continue to do additional dives while in the Cayman Islands on your vacation. With your personal instructor you can enjoy a wreck dive or experience world famous Stingray City. The “resort course” is offered at $150USD. Contact us today to schedule your “resort course”, and let us show you why we love our jobs.

Please note: if there any doubt about a medical condition, and you answer “YES” to any question on the medical form, you will be required to have medical clearance.  This includes, but is not limit to:

  • Ear infection, ear disease, hearing loss or  problem with balance
  • Ear and/or sinus surgery
  • Are you currently suffering from a cold, congestion, sinusitis or bronchitis?
  • Have you had a collapsed lung? Chest surgery?
  • Do you have active asthma or a history or emphysema or tuberculosis?
  • Behavioral health, mental or psychological problems?
  • Could be pregnant?
  • History of colostomy?
  • History of heart disease, heart attack, heart surgery or blood vessel surgery?
  • History of bleeding?
  • History of diabetes?
  • History of seizures, blackouts, fruiting, convulsions or epilepsy or take medication to prevent them?
  • History of back, arm or leg problems following a fracture, injury or surgery
  • Are you claustrophobic?

Our family has been diving in Grand Cayman for over 35 years. Off The Wall provides the best dive experience on the Island. They have a well tenured and friendly staff. Their attention to detail, safety and your needs are unsurpassed.

Scott H.

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