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USS Kittiwake

Located off of 7 Mile Beach, the ex-USS Kittiwake was sunk on January 5th, 2011 to serve as a dive site for the Cayman Islands. The former submarine rescue vessel sits in 65ft. of water an the superstructure comes with 10-12ft. of the surface.

USS Kittiwake Dive site

The wreck is very “diver friendly” and allows for a lot of penetration opportunities. This makes the wreck great for the first time wreck diver or one who wishes to take part in a “wreck specialty” course.

Much more can be learned about this wreck at NOTE: the ex-USS Kittiwake is located within a “park” and there is a $25 park/medallion fee to dive the wreck.

Our family has been diving in Grand Cayman for over 35 years. Off The Wall provides the best dive experience on the Island. They have a well tenured and friendly staff. Their attention to detail, safety and your needs are unsurpassed.

Scott H.

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